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Volume XXI / Volumul XXI / Том XXI / 2017

CUPRINS / CONTENT / СОДЕРЖАНИЕ ETNOLOGIE / ETHNOLOGY / ЭТНОЛОГИЯ Adrian DOLGHI. Valorificarea potențialului culturii tradiționale – o soluție pentru dezvoltarea durabilă a Republicii Moldova Gabriela BOANGIU. Spațiu și timp în descântecele românești Марианна СМИРНОВА- СЕСЛАВИНСКАЯ. Болгарские   цыгане   Бессарабии   (материалы к  исследова- 14 нию). Исследования этнодиалектных и территориальных общностей цыган Российской империи, СССР и постсоветских …

Volume XX / Volumul XX / Том XX / 2016

CUPRINS / CONTENT / СОДЕРЖАНИЕ Natalia GRĂDINARU Elenа Postolachi – etnograf notoriu, care și-a dedicat viața păstrării și promovării culturii naționale (1942–2012) 5 ETNOLOGIE / ETHNOLOGY / ЭТНОЛОГИЯ Zina ŞOFRANSKY Frumosul în arta tradițională 8 Natalia GRĂDINARU Relația om – natură ca fenomen sociocultural 18 Александр ШАБАШОВ Элементы двойственной системы терминов родства у гагаузов и …

Volume XIX / Volumul XIX / Том XIX / 2016

CUPRINS / CONTENT / СОДЕРЖАНИЕ Татьяна ЗАЙКОВСКАЯ Сектор «Этнология русских»: 25 лет научного поиска 5 ETNOLOGIE / ETHNOLOGY / ЭТНОЛОГИЯ Tatiana ZAICOVSCHI Reflectarea fitosimbolisticii în conștiința folclorică a purtătorilor de folclor rus din Republica Moldova 11 Дмитрий КОРЕНЕВ Летник в женском костюме русского средневековья: новый взгляд на проблему (Опыт реконструкции как обоснование гипотезы) 17 Вячеслав …

Victor ȚVIRCUN. The integration of emigrants from the Moldavian principality in Russian society during the XVIII century

The integration of emigrants from the Moldavian principality in Russian society during the XVIII century The history of migration flows from the Moldovan Princi-pality to the neighboring countries is one of the most re-searched topics of the modern historiography. Numerous publications address the reasons of migration occurrence, its forms and intensity of traffic and the …

Ирина СУББОТИНА, Ждана СУББОТИНА. Of the concept „Star” at the poetry collections of Stepan Curoglo

Based on material from the following poetry collections: „Strings melodies” (1977), „Birds in the sky” (1982), „Family tree” (1988), „Yol yildizi” (2000), „Canimi baaşlarim” (2011), the present article analyzes the „star” concept, its descriptive and symbolic characteristics. Key words: concept, star, poetry, S. Kuroglo, lingvoculturology, Gagauz, folklore.

Natalia YURCHENKO. A new classic residential housing in Chisinau in the first third of the XIX century

Summary The article describes the first (unpreserved nowadays) dwelling houses appeared in Chisinau in the first third of the XIX century, which represented the traditions of Russian provincial classicism. The process of interlocking Moldovan popular architecture with professional Russian classicism is also thoroughly researched on the example of the houses of classical order, the so-called …